When it comes time to part with your special car you want to realize maximum value while making sure it goes to a good home. Ficarra Classic can put together a comprehensive marketing package for your car that includes a complete history, professional photography and video, concours detailing, and online and print marketing plans. Nothing is left to chance and we deliver results that ensures the satisfaction of the buyer and the seller. Whether you want to sell privately or publicly we can deliver maximum value with minimum stress.
The truth is that auctions are not legally responsible to tell you the truth about the cars they sell, and individuals are sometimes no better. Before you invest your hard earned money and valuable time let us find out the facts. In a time when making clones and performing "auction restorations" are very profitable you need someone on your side to tell the real from the fake, the truth from the bullsh!t. From road to race cars, Ficarra Classic can put together a complete report on your prospective purchase.
If you have one car or a large collection, one of the most important steps you can take is to fully document your vehicles. Ficarra Classic can put together a complete portfolio on each of your cars. We tastefully photograph each vehicle and do a complete historical write up based on intensive research. This is not an appraisal, which does little tell to you what you have. It is a thorough, meticulous process that learns everything possible and then creates a valuable, permanent record that pays dividends if the car is ever sold, donated, inherited or lost.
A full restoration is daunting task, and the rarer the car the more complex the task. Ficarra Classic can help streamline the process acting as informed project managers for your restoration saving you time and money. From keeping paint or bodywork subcontractors on schedule to researching correct finishes, liveries and parts we can help guarantee the on-time and accurate restoration of your road or race car. Complete restorations by Ficarra Classic are taken on a case by case basis and use concours quality vendors.
There is no finer moment than when we can share our cars with the world, introducing them to new people and educating a new generation to our fabulous hobby and its history. It's true that sometimes the details and time involved can make it a real burden, but now Ficarra Classic can handle all of the minutiae and let you enjoy the day. From concours detail prep and secure transportation, to entry paperwork and field representation we can help you show your car its best light, and in the process add to its history and provenance.
PR for you car? Many amazing cars have been built and restored and no one knows about them. Get the word out with Ficarra Classic. We can put together a promotional package on your car that can include press releases, prewritten articles, photography and video pieces. We have successfully promoted cars to many of the major websites and press outlets. They are hungry for content! Your car could be next! Targeted exposure can pay huge dividends when it come time to sell your car, or to help promote the restorer.